soft and saucy

This is a continuum of my last post that you can read HERE


So grab yourself a cup of tea & let’s dive into the gift that keeps on giving … those brownies 😉 


In my last post which is a long winding road, I touched on the deep pattern of Scarcity, deprivation, and lack mentality and how it has touched and impacted my life, how I live, the kinds of decisions I make: everything from intimacy in relationships to letting myself eat full fat, full sugar brownies.


What struck me (ironically while cutting the above mentioned full fat, full sugar brownies) was yet another DEEPER STILL IMPACT of my own patterns of scarcity & learned deprivation of desire 


When we get used to living off of crumbs, we never learn what Satiation looks like, smells like, or feels like.


Let’s stay with the brownies example for a moment 

I remember my mom telling me how she could pretty much eat the whole pan of brownies (and how that made her such a weak “piggy” for doing so).

Reflecting on this (so many layers there), I dug into my own recently hatched & still warm from the oven chock full of butter and wayyy too much sugar brownies, and something occurred to me.


There is NO WAY I could eat this whole pan of brownies in one day, I thought to myself.


I began to imagine the horrible stomach ache and how there was absolutely NO SATISFACTION in continuing after 1 or maybe 2!

Then it struck me: Satisfaction.



Having the Real Deal True thing we Desire.


When we know what it feels like to deeply satisfy our desire, we HIT THE SPOT.

When we lie to ourselves about the substitute desire being what we want, we live in longing, never getting, never really ever satisfied, and reinforcing the belief that we can’t have the thing we want.


It’s no wonder we don’t believe we can truly have what we Deeply Desire!


We’ve conditioned ourselves into living off of unsatisfying crumbs AND we are completely unfamiliar to what SATISFACTION actually FEELS like, looks like, and tastes like.


Double whammy!


Now before I have you dive into part 3 of the cycle where you go and prove yourself broken, and imperfect, and that something is wrong with you, I have to tell you something 


You have the antidote.


The only catch is that you have to be willing to take the medicine.

Are you willing?

Are you willing to know what Deep Satisfaction looks like, smells like, tastes like?

Are you willing to know what will change in your life if you start to live from a Deeply Satisfied place?

This is revolutionary fucking stuff I’m talking about.

Are you up for it?

We’ve been fed poison, but we’ve held the antidote all along.

What will YOU chose?


This is path I walk from my own dear human experience AND I support amazing humans like you in the living, doing, and BEING this thing called embodying your wildest dreams & desires.

If you want to know more, let’s get in touch.

