mountain poem . . .

mountain song

a poem on mountains . . .


Go to the mountains

let them


you in

Go to the ocean

let it

beat you down

wash you up

on its beaches




Trust yourself

to walk

in amongst the trees

the soft crunching



let them consume you


you in

let them hold you

and let go



salty air.

~ by Jenn




4 thoughts on “mountain poem . . .

  1. Hi Jenn, I am enjoying your poems. This one is good and I really liked the solioquey (?) on risk. That was a very interesting perspective and so true. Gives some insight into some of the whys of risk taking. I tried to answer another way and got messed up with not having a correct password…

    Just got back last night from Benson Point kayaking – had a great time….today is major drying, sorting out gear day – stuff everywhere….xoxo Marilyn

  2. Hi Jenn, I am enjoying your poems. This one is good and I really liked the solioquey (?) on risk. That was a very interesting perspective and so true. Gives some insight into some of the whys of risk taking. I tried to answer another way and got messed up with not having a correct password…

    Just got back last night from Benson Point kayaking – had a great time….today is major drying, sorting out gear day – stuff everywhere….xoxo Marilyn

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