There is a truth about courage that no one likes to talk about …
Truth: You will still encounter fear. Always. Forever. It doesn’t go away.
Fear is something that we all think if we could just get rid of it we would all be fine and dandy, following our dreams so easily, and frolicking like butterflies amongst the unicorns and faeries while we roll in the magical pixie dust of the universal flow …
Well, I do believe in unicorns and faeries and even magical pixie dust … but I KNOW that we will never eliminate fear. Because fear is necessary.
Yup I said it …
Fear is necessary.
Fear is also NOT the problem.
Fear is not what holds us back per se. Acting in fear is what holds us back.
Taking action, decision, choosing what feels comfortable over what feels scary (but necessary) from a fear based place is not only holding us back but completely misses the point and purpose of having fear to begin with!
Fear is about providing us information. It’s not about keeping us stuck.
WE keep ourselves stuck. We need to practice choosing from a place of courage.
Courage and fear have an important intimate relationship. We need them both. Both are essential and necessary.
While fear teaches us to heighten our senses and take in information carefully, courage shows us what to do with the information. Courage shows us how to connect our true needs, desires, hopes, and dreams, and manifest them into existence.
Courage bridges the inner world to the the outside world and helps us shape our material existence in the way that reflects our true nature: LOVE.
This relationship is where we often struggle. We struggle with bridging the gap. We exhaust ourselves raging war against our fears and judgements instead of harnessing their wisdom to illuminate our path, We lack courage – we lack the trust in our heart space to listen to this vital information. We doubt ourselves – we try to go at it alone or worse yet, the DYI route!
Self love isn’t just a buzz word. Self love is the bones of our courage. It’s the muscle and expression of our boundaries and autonomy. It’s the wind that stokes the inner fire of our soul. It’s the fierce whisper of light cracking through the darkness of dawn. It’s our knowing we have a right to be here.
That is why I named my jump start 1 on 1 program: COURAGE
Courage is the bones. It’s where self love starts. It’s where we begin to bridge the gaps between all of the pieces of the healing puzzle we have embarked upon in the past.
It’s time to put it all together.
It’s time for integration.
And real change.
You, me, love, courage, and the power to chose … there may also be some magical pixie dust included in the package as well …
If you want to know more about what COURAGE is about, send me an email or put your name on my calendar here to book a free chat to see if you are ready to step into COURAGE with me.