Getting Clear on My Priorities

I went down an Instagram rabbit hole a few days ago …

And it led me to getting very sentimental …


There was something about these words – simple, honest, and vulnerable – that shook me to my core. It woke something up that had been sleeping for a while.


It made me pause and ask the questions:

What am I truly afraid of?

Why do I waste my time & energy in bullshit worry & excuses?

What keeps me from sitting in the deepest of deep pockets & riding the wave of my life?


In these moments, I realize that life is literally too short.


It’s too short to fit in all of the amazing experiences that make it so worth the ride.

It’s too short not to say the things we need to say to the people we need to say them to.

It’s too short not to love with our whole being.

It’s too short to pretend to be someone else.

It’s too short to not be willing to have our heart broken wide open again and again.

It’s too short to sit on the shoulder and watch other people ride the waves we want to ride.

It’s too short not to travel.

It’s too short not to dance and sing and shout with 150% of our souls & hearts on our sleeve.


Full Moon is often a time for shedding for me …

And as I reflect on this tenderness that has found me today on this blissfully blistering hot spring day, I sit with my own unraveling.


Callie & Holly, thank you for climbing mountains with me & always believing in me.


Lindsay, Katy, Kathy, Maria, Indi, Laura, & to my dear soul sisters, thank you for always being there for me no matter what.


Axel, thank you for showing me what love is supposed to look like.


I love you.


