You have to have a plan, right?
Or at least a framework …
That’s what I’ve been told by pretty much, well everyone …
Except that it’s never really worked for me … well not directly, anyways …
So why am I surprised when I struggled with the same battle in building a business.
Forget the Business Plan … are you KIDDING?!
Did you not read the freakin’ title?
But I tried it anyway … because that’s what you do right? That’s how it’s done?
Same goes for creating a business model (oh, one that totally works for me, right?) …
Except I’m beginning to realize, just like everything else in my life, things only really WORK when I work within the formless …
Now what the hell does that mean?
It means I have to embrace who I am at the very core & fundamental of my being – an energy being.
A highly intuitive, sensitive, and magical unicorn of an energy being.
Now we live in a world of form. I’m not denying this. In fact, I used to deny this fact, living in perpetual disassociation, which only perpetuated my numerous health challenges I was experiencing at the time.
No, what I mean in embracing formlessness is actually working with form, but in a non-linear way …
You see … I realized I didn’t have to divorce my relationship with form altogether …
I just had to begin to work with it from an entirely different perspective – a whole new paradigm.
Plans are linear. We like linear.
Linear gives us predictable results. Consistency. The capacity to make decisions formed on a sense of security.
But this is only one way of working with security … and this one way … well it’s not really how Nature works (or how I work either evidently).
In nature, security is built through biodiversity, relationship, co-creation, balance, and multi-dimentionality.
In other words, it’s freaking complicated!
So it’s easy to just avoid, overlook, and overly focus on the much more simple & easy to digest linear model.
That is until that model just doesn’t work … as is often the case in anxiety, trauma, chronic pain, chronic illness in general, and other mysterious ailments modern medicine has yet to figure out (linear model!).
That’s when this multi-dimensional model isn’t just an alternative way of doing things, it’s essential.
But here is something else I discovered:
Everything is multi-dimensional. Linear is just an illusion we’ve constructed because it’s easier to think about … so we think it’s easier to understand … but thinking is not the same as understanding something.
Through the magic of these beautiful blessed bodies we have been born into, we have been gifted the wisdom of multi-dimensional intelligence – the knowledge of formlessness constantly shapeshifting into and out of form, over and over again.
We don’t have to “get it” from an intellectual standpoint.
We just have to find the knowing in our bones.
This is when I realize that working in formlessness is really the most simple model of them all.
We don’t have to get anything. It’s already there.
We just have to be patient enough to listen.