a little poem reminding me to take the time to enjoy . . .

where rivers meet

~ River ~

Where two paths meet, there is


the waters of these currents blend.

the quick, taking in

the slow

at the estuary

-all paths lead within-


Can you find the stillpoint of this


There is a pause


between inhale

and exhale

before birth

before death

there is a pause.


Do you feel it?

It has always been


or, like me, do you skip over it sometimes,

small skid through to the next


the next


It is so highly addictive

to submit to the lure

of action, the enchanting pull of



It is a trickster

and a thief, this action.

A distraction from being by doing

or non doing.


We can all learn a thing or two

from these rivers,

this fluidity

and easy change

of flow.


We will all get to the ocean


By Jenn


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